United Capital Bank (UCB) was registered in November 2005 by the Commercial Registrar under the Company Ordinance Act 1925, and was issued the license to perform business activities by the Central Bank of Sudan on February 2006. UCB commenced its business activities in August 2006. UCB’s compliance falls under the supervision of the Shariah Supervisory Board for all bank’s activities and financing transactions. In November 2007 the bank floated it’s shares in a public offering and listed its shares in Khartoum Stock Exchange. The bank’s paid up capital is 240 million SDG (equivalent to USD 120 million at that time) underwritten by Sudanese citizens and corporations from Sudan, Kuwait, Lebanon & Egypt. The bank’s shares are traded in Khartoum Stock of Exchange. The bank’s main shareholders include Fransabank (Lebanon) , Boubyan Bank (Kuwait), Financial Investment & Development Co. (Egypt) and local large corporates, namely Sudan Telecommunication Co Ltd (Sudatel), Seen Development Co Ltd and Alategahat Almtadeda Co Ltd. The bank offers its services to customers in the Sudanese market and the bank is known as one of the specialized banks in financing corporate entities and major projects through its three branches in Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman. The total number of the bank’ s staff is about 170. The bank adopts a strategy of enhancing its position and role in the Sudanese economy by providing Islamic financial solutions to investment projects of strategic nature in the fields of infrastructure, corporate finance and small and medium size corporations to satisfy needs of companies working in various economic sectors such as industry, agriculture, mining, trade and services. The bank has a strong commitment towards society as it executes a number of activities through social programs supporting activities such as education, culture, health, sports, environment and charity.
United Capital Bank (UCB) was registered in November 2005 by the Commercial Registrar under the Company Ordinance Act 1925, and was issued the license to perform business activities by the Central Bank of Sudan on February 2006 . UCB commenced its business activities in August 2006.
UCB’s compliance falls under the supervision of the Shariah Supervisory Board for all bank’s activities and financing transactions . In November 2007 the bank floated it’s shares in a public offering and listed its shares in Khartoum Stock Exchange.
The bank’s paid up capital is 240 Million SDG (equivalent to USD 120 millions at that time) underwritten by Sudanese citizens and corporations from Sudan, Kuwait, Lebanon & Egypt. The bank’s shares are traded in Khartoum Stock of Exchange. The bank’s main shareholders include Frans bank (Lebanon) , Boubyan Bank (Kuwait), Financial Investment & Development Co. (Egypt) and local large corporates, namely Sudan Telecommunication Co Ltd (Sudatel), Seen Development Co Ltd and Alategahat Almtadeda Co Ltd.
Financing the requirements of dam’s construction. Financing the electricity network. Financing the construction of highways
Financing development operations of petroleum fields. Financing the establishment of cement factories. Arrangement of syndication for financing a sugar factory. Financing the establishment and import of equipment for a gold mine.
Management of a portfolio for purchasing agricultural lands. Management of a portfolio for cultivating and harvesting cotton for the seasons. 2013-2014 , 2014-2015 , 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 of 130,000 fadan in irrigated agricultural schemes. Financing the cultivation of a sun flower project for one of the private sector companies.
Financing export of sesame, gum Arabic and livestock. Financing a mine for purification and export of gold. Financing the production and export of cotton for the seasons 2013-2014 , 2014-2015 , 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
Financing import of wheat since 2007. Financing import of medicines since 2007. Financing import of sugar since 2009.
Financing schools and water wells.