Port Sudan Branch Port Sudan Branch Khartoum Branch Khartoum North BranchOmdurman Branch Sun - Thu 8:30-02:30 +249 112917776 Sun - Thu 7:30-03:30 +249 183 24 7700 Sun - Thu 7:30-03:30 +249 185 32 4480 Sun - Thu 7:30-03:30 +249 183 73 1999

Syndicated Loans

When your project requires a large a mount of loan for a single lender or the project needs a specialized lender with expertise in a specific asset class , UCB can offer syndicated loan or syndicated facility with a group of lenders by playing a role of lead bank or underwriter, arranger, the agent or lead lender, the loan offered c an involve a fixed amount of funds, a credit line or a combination of the two.

Team Corporate Accounts Specialist

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